Κήποι και Εκπαίδευση (Bachelor thesis)

Καραναγνώστης, Γεώργιος

The purpose of this diploma thesis is to investigate the promotion of the garden as an educational tool and the recommendation of a proposal for the redesign of the western axis of the Alexandria Campus of the International Hellenic University that will contain educational, environmental and social activities. Educational university gardens are already flourishing in foreign countries. So, then, the theoretical question that arises is : what are the benefits of setting up such a garden and what are the criteria for its creation? Also, how can this garden be sustainable and continue to exist in the long run after its creation? The ultimate goal of the thesis is to create a design proposal for the establishment of a public university garden at the International Hellenic University in Sindos, while highlighting the importance of its existence. For the writing of the thesis, the methodology followed was the extensive review of the bibliography in available scientific textbooks and in electronic search engines. Articles and researches of both Greek and foreign literature were studied. In this first theoretical part of the work, issues such as environmental education through gardens, as well as the role of school and university gardens in the field of education, emerged. The second part of the methodology followed consists of the empirical part, where the landscape analysis of the space where the garden will be installed through fieldwork is carried out. The source of inspiration of the design proposal is also analyzed, while at the same time there is talk about the new planting and the criteria by which it was selected. In addition, the new spaces and equipment deemed necessary for the new garden are proposed. The following are presented the sustainability proposals for the smooth and long-term operation of the garden. Finally, the design results as they emerged in the psyphic design environment AutoCAD 2007 are presented.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή Γεωτεχνικών Επιστημών - Τμήμα Γεωπονίας
Keywords: Πανεπιστημιακοί κήποι;Βιώσιμος;Σχεδιαστική πρόταση
Description: Πτυχιακή εργασία - Σχολή Γεωτεχνικών Επιστημών - Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, 2022 (α/α 13807)
Appears in Collections:Πτυχιακές Εργασίες

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