Το PD-L1 και ο ρόλος του ως Βιοδείκτης σε παθήσεις του Κεντρικού Νευρικού Συστήματος (Bachelor thesis)

Γιαρισκάνη, Κυριακή

The immune system is the basic form of natural defense of the human body and contributes significantly to maintaining the normal functioning of it. It is responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of infections, for maintaining immune surveillance in cases of cancer, and for distinguishing these harmful factors from the healthy cells of the body. In many cases of cancer, mechanisms are developed that can escape immune surveillance, making it particularly difficult for the body to arrest their progression. One of these mechanisms is the binding of PD-1 to its ligand PD-L1. This mechanism results in T cell inactivation or apoptosis and thus free tumor growth. Many studies have been conducted to better understand this mechanism with the aim of developing a new line of treatment based on immunotherapy. The aim is the targeted blocking of this connection with antibodies and the strengthening of the immune response. In this way, the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy are avoided and in the case of surgical resection, residual cancer cells are targeted. At the same time many studies have highlighted the role of PD-L1 as a prognostic biomarker of this treatment and these findings are important elements for the correct selection of patients. Also, side effects that can occur during treatments must be taken into account and special attention from the clinician is needed to manage them. This work focuses its interest on the utilization of all these elements in diseases found in the Central Nervous System. Thus, an analysis is made of their usefulness and contribution in diseases such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), in cases of Glioblastoma, as well as Neuroinflammation and other diseases of the Central Nervous System. The cause of this review is the study of the role of PD-L1 in diseases that occur in Central Nervous System.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: The immune system is the basic form of natural defense of the human body and contributes significantly to maintaining the normal functioning of it. It is responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of infections, for maintaining immune surveillance in cases of cancer, and for distinguishing these harmful factors from the healthy cells of the body. In many cases of cancer, mechanisms are developed that can escape immune surveillance, making it particularly difficult for the body to arrest their progression. One of these mechanisms is the binding of PD-1 to its ligand PD-L1. This mechanism results in T cell inactivation or apoptosis and thus free tumor growth. Many studies have been conducted to better understand this mechanism with the aim of developing a new line of treatment based on immunotherapy. The aim is the targeted blocking of this connection with antibodies and the strengthening of the immune response. In this way, the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy are avoided and in the case of surgical resection, residual cancer cells are targeted. At the same time many studies have highlighted the role of PD-L1 as a prognostic biomarker of this treatment and these findings are important elements for the correct selection of patients. Also, side effects that can occur during treatments must be taken into account and special attention from the clinician is needed to manage them. This work focuses its interest on the utilization of all these elements in diseases found in the Central Nervous System. Thus, an analysis is made of their usefulness and contribution in diseases such as head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), in cases of Glioblastoma, as well as Neuroinflammation and other diseases of the Central Nervous System. The cause of this review is the study of the role of PD-L1 in diseases that occur in Central Nervous System.
Keywords: PD-L1;Βιοδείκτης;Παθήσεις του Κεντρικού Νευρικού Συστήματος
Description: Πτυχιακή εργασία - Σχολή Επιστημών Υγείας - Τμήμα Βιοϊατρικών Επιστημών, 2022 (α/α 13826)
Appears in Collections:Πτυχιακές Εργασίες

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