Η χρήση πρόσθετων υλών στη διατροφή των ζώων (Bachelor thesis)

Πλάτση, Ελένη

Platsi, E., 2020. The use of feed additives in animal nutrition. Diploma Thesis, Division of Animal Science, Department of Agriculture, School of Geotechnical Sciences, International Hellenic University. Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1–85. When it comes to the animal production, nutrition is, perhaps, the most important factor that affects both the health of animals and the quality characteristics of animal products and consequently the health of the person who consumes them. For these reasons, the addition of additives to the diet helps to cover the needs of animals through a balanced diet, free from harmful substances and antibiotics, with the nutrients in the desired amounts. The additives chapter is surrounded by a wide range of regulations that set the boundaries for their proper and safe use in animal nutrition. For the granting of special licenses for their use by feed companies, there are several requirements set by law that must be qualified. Additives are divided into five main categories. First of all, technological additives are related to maintaining or improving the quality of animals feed or differentiating the physicochemical characteristics of it, while aesthetic additives promote the attractiveness of animals feed and improve or change its organoleptic properties. Subsequently, nutrition feed additives are intended to meet the nutritional needs of animals, directly or indirectly, in specific categories of nutrients, and zootechnical additives help to improve the digestibility of nutrients and reduce the excretion or excretion of constituents in the environment, improvement of the desired microflora of the digestive system of animals. Finally, coccidiostats and histomonostatics are used only to prevent coccidiosis of birds and rabbits, as well as histomonodification and trichomoniasis of birds.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή γεωτεχνικών επιστημών- Τμήμα γεωπονίας
Keywords: Πρόσθετα υλικά;Ζωοτροφή;Προβιοτικά;Πρεβιοτικά;Φυτοβιοτικά;Οξινοποιητές
Description: Πτυχιακή εργασία- Σχολή γεωτεχνικών επιστημών- Τμήμα γεωπονίας, 2020 (α/α 12042)
Appears in Collections:Πτυχιακές Εργασίες

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